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Raw Diamond

Diamond Guide

Diamonds are a symbol of love, commitment, and luxury. However, choosing the perfect diamond can be overwhelming. Our Diamond Guide provides you with all the information you need to make an informed decision. From the 4Cs to diamond shapes and settings, we've got you covered. Let us help you find the diamond of your dreams.

Diamond Shapes

Welcome to our Diamond Shapes page, where the allure of each cut unfolds, offering a diverse array of options to suit your unique style.

Diamond-Shapes Milano Fine Jewelry

Round Brilliant:

The classic and timeless Round Brilliant cut is renowned for its exceptional sparkle and versatility, making it a popular choice for engagement rings. Its symmetrical shape and precise facets maximize the play of light, resulting in unmatched brilliance.


Princess Cut:

A contemporary favorite, the Princess Cut captivates with its square or rectangular shape and pointed corners. This cut exudes modern elegance, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a combination of tradition and innovation.


Emerald Cut:

Known for its step-cut facets and elongated shape, the Emerald Cut showcases a sophisticated and elegant appearance. This cut emphasizes clarity and is favored by those with a penchant for refined, timeless styles.


Asscher Cut:

Similar to the Emerald Cut but in a square shape, the Asscher Cut exudes vintage charm with its distinctive clipped corners. This cut appeals to those who appreciate Art Deco aesthetics and desire a unique yet timeless look.


Marquise Cut:

The Marquise Cut, with its distinctive boat-shaped design, elongates the finger for a regal and dramatic effect. This cut is perfect for those seeking a bold and eye-catching style.


Oval Cut:

Elegance takes a softer form with the Oval Cut, featuring a longer shape that flatters the hand and offers a unique alternative to the classic round diamond. Its elongated silhouette creates the illusion of a larger stone.


Radiant Cut:

A blend of the Round Brilliant and Princess cuts, the Radiant Cut boasts trimmed corners and a brilliant facet pattern. This cut combines the sparkle of a round diamond with the modern, angular lines of a square or rectangular shape.


Pear Shape:

Combining the round brilliance and tapered point, the Pear Shape diamond exudes sophistication and versatility. Its teardrop silhouette offers a graceful and unique option for various jewelry styles.


Heart Shape:

Symbolizing love and romance, the Heart Shape diamond is a sentimental choice for special occasions. This cut requires precision to achieve its distinctive shape, making it a heartfelt and cherished option.


Cushion Shape: 

Cushion cut diamonds are a popular choice for engagement rings and other fine jewelry. With their soft, rounded edges and brilliant sparkle, cushion cut diamonds offer a timeless elegance that is hard to resist.


Explore the beauty and characteristics of each diamond shape to find the perfect match for your style and preferences. Whether you're drawn to the timeless brilliance of the Round Brilliant or the modern allure of the Princess Cut, our collection showcases a variety of cuts to complement every individual taste.

4 C's of Diamonds

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the 4 C's of diamond buying – Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight. These essential factors serve as the foundation for making informed and confident decisions when selecting the perfect diamond.


Embark on a personalized diamond journey with us as our experienced professionals guide you through the intricacies of the 4 C's – Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight. We take pride in ensuring that each customer receives a thorough exploration of these vital factors, empowering them to make an informed and confident choice when selecting the perfect loose diamond for their unique preferences.

At our Milano Fine Jewelry, we prioritize transparency and education, empowering you to make informed decisions on your diamond purchase. Dive into the world of the 4 C's with confidence, knowing that each diamond in our collection has been carefully selected to meet the highest standards of excellence.

Natural vs. Lab Grown Diamonds

Unveiling the Difference

Welcome to our informative guide exploring the distinctions between natural diamonds and lab-grown alternatives. Understanding the pros and cons of each and exploring future value predictions can empower you to make an informed decision when choosing your perfect gem.

Natural Diamonds:



  • Rarity: Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth over millions of years, making them unique and cherished for their scarcity.


  • Timeless Appeal: The historical significance and allure of natural diamonds contribute to their enduring popularity.


  • Resale Value: Natural diamonds often maintain or appreciate in value over time, serving as a long-term investment.



  • Environmental Impact: The extraction process of natural diamonds can have environmental consequences, including habitat disruption and carbon emissions.


  • Cost: Natural diamonds typically come with a higher price tag due to their rarity and the effort required for extraction

Lab-Grown Diamonds:



  • Ethical and Environmental: Lab-grown diamonds are often considered a more ethical and environmentally friendly choice, as they require fewer resources and have a lower carbon footprint.


  • Cost: Lab-grown diamonds are generally more affordable than their natural counterparts, allowing for budget-friendly options without compromising quality.


  • Customization: The controlled environment of lab-grown diamonds allows for precise customization, offering unique shapes and characteristics.



  • Limited Rarity: Despite their increasing popularity, lab-grown diamonds lack the inherent rarity and geological origin that natural diamonds possess.

Future Value Predictions:

While natural diamonds have historically held their value well, lab-grown diamonds are gaining recognition and acceptance. The future value of both types may depend on shifting consumer preferences, ethical considerations, and advancements in technology. As sustainability becomes increasingly important, lab-grown diamonds may see a rise in demand, potentially influencing their future value positively.


It's essential to weigh the pros and cons based on your personal values, budget, and preferences. Whether you opt for the timeless allure of a natural diamond or the ethical and affordable appeal of a lab-grown gem, our curated collection at [Your Jewelry Store Name] ensures you find the perfect piece that aligns with your unique style and values.

Clean Diamond.jpg

How To Care For
Your Diamond

Caring for Your Diamond: A Timeless Investment Deserves Timeless Care

At Milano Fine Jewelry, we believe that the enduring beauty of your diamond

deserves the utmost care and attention. Here's a guide on how to keep your

precious gem sparkling and radiant for generations to come.

Regular Cleaning:

Gently clean your diamond with a soft brush and mild soapy water. This helps remove everyday dirt and oils that can dull its brilliance. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a clean, lint-free cloth.


Professional Cleaning:

Consider professional cleanings at least once a year. Our skilled jewelers at Milano Fine Jewelry offer cleaning services to ensure your diamond regains its original luster, as well as inspecting settings for any signs of wear.



When not adorning your finger or neck, store your diamond jewelry in a fabric-lined jewelry case or a separate compartment to prevent scratches. Avoid storing diamonds alongside other gemstones that might cause abrasions.


Regular Inspections:

Periodically inspect your diamond for any loose prongs or signs of damage. If you notice anything amiss, bring it to our attention promptly. Timely repairs can prevent more extensive damage and maintain the integrity of your piece.


Avoid Harsh Chemicals:

Diamonds are resilient, but exposure to harsh chemicals can dull their brilliance. Remove your jewelry when engaging in household chores or activities involving chemicals, including cleaning agents, hairspray, and chlorine.


Professional Appraisals:

Consider getting your diamond appraised regularly to update its insurance value. Milano Fine Jewelry can provide professional appraisals, ensuring that your investment is accurately reflected in your insurance coverage.


Safe Wear Practices:

While diamonds are durable, it's advisable to remove jewelry during activities that may subject it to impact, such as sports or heavy lifting. This precaution helps prevent potential damage to both the diamond and its setting.


Gentle Polishing:

Should your diamond lose some of its sparkle over time, gentle polishing can restore its brilliance. Trust our skilled craftsmen at Milano Fine Jewelry to expertly polish and rejuvenate your diamond to its former glory.


Secure Settings:

Ensure that the settings of your diamond jewelry are secure. Loose prongs can lead to lost stones. Our team is here to assist with any necessary adjustments or repairs, ensuring the longevity of your precious pieces.


By following these care recommendations, you'll not only maintain the stunning allure of your diamond but also preserve its sentimental and monetary value. At Milano Fine Jewelry, we are dedicated to helping you cherish your diamond for a lifetime and beyond.

Princess Cut Diamond

Certification Process

Diamond Certification Process: A Transparent Journey to Excellence


Welcome to our guide on the diamond certification process, providing insight into the meticulous steps that ensure the quality and authenticity of your precious gem.


The journey begins with the careful selection of a diamond. Our experts handpick stones based on stringent criteria, considering the 4 C's – Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight – to meet the highest standards of excellence.


Expert Examination:

Each chosen diamond undergoes a thorough examination by gemologists with extensive experience. This detailed inspection assesses the diamond's attributes, including facets, proportions, and any imperfections that may impact its overall quality.



Utilizing internationally recognized standards, such as those established by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), our diamonds are meticulously graded. This process ensures a standardized evaluation, providing a clear understanding of the diamond's unique characteristics.



Upon completion of the grading process, a comprehensive certification report is generated. This document includes vital information about the diamond's cut, color, clarity, carat weight, and other identifying features. The certification acts as a guarantee of the diamond's quality and authenticity.


Security Measures:

We prioritize the security of your purchase. Our certified diamonds are laser-inscribed with a unique identification number on the girdle. This microscopic inscription serves as an additional layer of assurance and aids in verifying the diamond's identity.


Independent Verification:

For added transparency, our certification process involves independent verification by reputable gemological laboratories. This step ensures the objectivity and accuracy of the diamond's evaluation, fostering trust in the quality of our offerings.


Customer Transparency:

We believe in transparency throughout the certification process. Our customers receive a copy of the certification report with their purchase, allowing them to make informed decisions and understand the intrinsic value of their chosen diamond.


At Milano Fine Jewelry, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards in diamond certification, providing you with confidence in the authenticity and quality of your treasured investment. Explore our collection, knowing that each certified diamond has undergone a rigorous process to deliver an unparalleled level of excellence.

Engagment Ring

Diamond Buying Tips

Secrets Unveiled:

Diamond Buying Tips Beyond the Ordinary

Welcome to a realm of diamond buying tips that delve beyond the conventional advice. Discover lesser-known insights to elevate your diamond shopping experience and make a truly informed decision.

Fluorescence Matters:

Beyond the 4 C's, consider fluorescence. Diamonds with fluorescence may appear milky in sunlight, impacting their brilliance. View the stone in various lighting conditions to assess its true beauty.


Girdle Thickness:

Pay attention to the girdle thickness. Extremely thin or extremely thick girdles may affect the diamond's durability. Opt for a medium to slightly thick girdle for a balance of structural integrity.


Consider Fancy Shapes:

Break away from tradition. Fancy shapes, like oval, pear, or marquise, can offer excellent value for money as they often appear larger than round diamonds of the same carat weight.


Mind the Table Percentage:

The table percentage, referring to the width of the diamond's flat top, can impact its brilliance. Look for a balanced table percentage to ensure optimal light reflection.


Look for Ideal Cut Proportions:

While the cut grade is crucial, delve into the specific proportions. Ideal cut proportions can maximize the diamond's fire and brilliance, enhancing its overall visual appeal.


Explore Online Retailers:

Online platforms often offer a wider selection and competitive prices. Research reputable online jewelers with transparent policies, certifications, and positive customer reviews for a well-informed purchase.


Use a Black Light:

Bring a black light when viewing diamonds. Some diamonds with strong blue fluorescence can emit a mesmerizing glow under ultraviolet light, adding a unique characteristic to your chosen stone.


Consider Diamond Certification:

Insist on a reputable diamond certification, like those from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). This ensures the accuracy of the diamond's grading, providing a reliable assessment of its quality.


Understand Inclusions:

Inclusions are a diamond's fingerprints. Minor, hidden inclusions can make a diamond more affordable without compromising its visual appeal. Learn to identify inclusions that don't affect the stone's beauty.


Think Beyond Carat Weight:

While carat weight is significant, prioritize the overall visual appeal. A well-cut diamond may appear larger than its carat weight suggests, offering better value for your budget.


Diamond Authentication:

Uncertain about the authenticity of your diamond or curious about its origin? Rest assured, we have cutting-edge machines that can test and authenticate diamonds, distinguishing between natural and lab-grown varieties. This exclusive service, available at select jewelry stores, ensures you have clarity and confidence in the precious gem you've chosen. Visit us for a comprehensive and precise assessment of your diamond's authenticity.


 Unlock a world of diamond buying expertise with these insider tips. At Milano Fine Jewelry, we believe in empowering our customers with knowledge, ensuring a memorable and informed journey to finding the perfect diamond. Explore our collection, armed with newfound insights for a truly exceptional purchase.

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